Join the Quality Circle
Course for the transformation of quality management
To establish modern quality management methodology in a complex production environment
The Quality Circle is a special course in the development and transformation of quality management. You learn to transform quality management by changing the thinking processes of the leaders in your organisation. Away from old habits and ineffective routines that cause nothing more then bureaucracy. You will change your own thinking processes and along that also the thinking with all leaders and operators. The goal is to perform as a customer oriented team with modern quality management principles that make the difference in your market. The program consists of 11 seminars and 1 conference as kick-off. The conference is a live experience in the transformation of quality management in the production system of an organisation.
October 10, 2024 - July 10, 2025
The course meetings are 3 hours per month and organised at our location in Hendrik-Ido-Ambacht from 14:00h to 17:00h.
Reference: Heel leerzaam, direct toepasbaar en leuk! Iedere maand iets om naar uit te kijken. Een goede benadering van kwaliteitsmanagement via en/of in combinatie met organisatiemanagement. Echt een aanrader! Wilfred Langhorst, Production Manager - Organik Kimya
Reference: De afwisseling van de theorie met Bill en het horen van de ervaringen van de andere cursisten is voor mij erg waardevol. Het is wat mij betreft de perfecte combinatie om vervolgens weer mee aan de slag te kunnen gaan binnen ons eigen bedrijf. Het helpt mij om mogelijk lastige situaties binnen ons eigen bedrijf vanuit een andere hoek te benaderen. De inhoud van de cursus zet op een positieve manier aan het denken en ik zou het elk (management) team kunnen aanraden. Chantal van Nobelen, Quality Manager - Javo
Ik kijk elke maand weer uit naar de volgende bijeenkomst van de Quality Circle. Het leren Bill, Frans, Elisa en Sjoerd is zo verrassend en vernieuwd. Daarnaast is het leuk ervaringen te delen en leren van je medecursisten. Echt een aanrader! Marjolijn Hameetman, Operational Manager Flow Core Facility - Leiden University Medical Center.
Join the simulation in production and organisation development at the start of the course
During the conference you will participate in a mind changing simulation in production and organisation development. One of the teachers is Professor Dr. Bill Bellows. He is associated with the famous Deming Institute and professor at the California State University, Northridge and Southern Utah University. He coaches organisations like Rocketdyne, Blue Origin and Boeing in the US in transformation processen.
Develop your skills and thinking in management systems, leadership and teamwork
Throughout this course, you learn to guide your colleagues in the management team and transform the organisation. The trainers immerse themselves in your organisation and help you in your developments. Classic organisations are with the Quality Circle transformed into modern, customer-oriented organisations. This requires thinking in systems and applying modern management styles.
Program of this management course for excellence customer performance
Participants meet monthly to conduct workshops and develop their plans. The video conference rooms are equipped with modern technology, which makes it possible to join online as well. The Deep Dive Simulation Event on October 10, 2024, is a conference in hotel Van der Valk Dordrecht.
Details | Flow of the seminars | Content | Learnings |
October 10, 2024: Hotel van der Valk Dordrecht, live conference 8 hours |
Event Prof. Dr. Bill Bellows: Live event in operational excellence. You will meet production and quality managers from other organisations and perform together |
Transformation simulated:
Your professional growth: You go thought the transformation phases of an organisation, as well you experience the importance and joy of team work. You experience a first paradigm shift |
October 11, 2024 Hendrik-Ido-Ambacht, or online meeting 3 hours |
Lecture Prof. Dr. Bill Bellows: The next morning you meet again with your team to prepare yourself and your colleagues for planned transformation steps |
Organisation development:
Your professional growth: The experiences from yesterday will be transferred into questions about steps, rhythm and the planning of the transformation |
November 14, 2024 Hendrik-Ido-Ambacht 3 hours |
Application session: Use the experiences of the simulation to make an analysis of your own organisation. Invite a colleague to help you |
Organisation development:
Your professional growth: For ever you will see your organisation different. You are now able to analyse any organisation. This is already your second paradigm shift |
December 12, 2024 Hendrik-Ido-Ambacht, or online meeting 3 hours |
Lecture Prof. Dr. Bill Bellows Theory about the characteristics of a successful and market leading organisation with customer focus by System Thinking. |
System Thinking:
Your professional growth: Understanding systems and the effect of leadership. Once understood System Thinking, you have experienced a third paradigm shift |
January 16, 2025 Hendrik-Ido-Ambacht 3 hours |
Application session: With the knowledge of the previous session you dive in leadership effectiveness and cultural patterns as part of the System. |
System Thinking:
Your professional growth: Understanding the various leadership dynamics of the System you will start coach your teams in decision making and development. |
February 13, 2025 Hendrik-Ido-Ambacht, or online meeting 3 hours |
Lecture Prof. Dr. Bill Bellows From leadership to performing better than the competition. Make the relationship with the customers and strategic thinking of business needs. |
Beyond looking good:
Your professional growth: By changing perspectives you experience new ways of thinking and innovative management principles to prepare your organisation. |
March 13, 2025 Hendrik-Ido-Ambacht 3 hours |
Application session: With the ambition in mind to outperform the competition the question is what mechanisms pull the break on such development. |
Beyond looking good:
Your professional growth: Learning about the effect of mechanisms and methods in the system will for ever change your view on effectiveness and efficiency |
April 17, 2025 Hendrik-Ido-Ambacht, or online meeting 3 hours |
Lecture Prof. Dr. Bill Bellows: To develop a next level of performance a next level of understanding is required (Dr. A. Einstein). Deming used the Plan-Do-Study-Act cycle |
Learning organisation:
Your professional growth: Develop continual learning organisations using PDSA cylce and the System of Profound Knowledge |
May 15, 2025 Hendrik-Ido-Ambacht 3 hours |
Application session: With a case from the news you act as MT to solve a problem by asking the right questions. Transformation is the objective. |
Learning organisation:
Your professional growth: Seeing the organisation dynamics at a subconscious level you will as well see how teams fail or have success |
June 12, 2025 Hendrik-Ido-Ambacht, or online meeting 3 hours |
Lecture Prof. Dr. Bill Bellows: Now the team needs to influence the thinking mode of both leaders and yourself to improve assembly production to excellence level. |
Effective leadership:
Your professional growth: Whether or not you have reports, everybody is a leader and so can influence transformation processes by changing your thinking |
July 10, 2025 Hendrik-Ido-Ambacht 3 hours |
Application session: You will design near-, mid- and far-term applications to transform your organisation. With your colleague, you work on the actual transformation |
Effective leadership:
Your professional growth: You reflect on the first day of the course and see your growth. Prepare your application to execute within weeks |
Oct 2024 to July 2025, 1 time per month
The Quality Circle programme consists of monthly meetings of 3 hours each and a major live event on October, 10th. The meetings consist of online lectures by Professor Dr. Bill Bellows. These are interspersed with workshops for practice and developing a plan for transforming your organisation. The sessions can be attended either live or online.
An airplane is not a bunch of parts which fly in close formation,
but one system that performs a job for the customer. - Prof. Dr. Bill Bellows
Deep Dive Event in new management
The first meeting of the course is on October 10th. That is a Simulation Experience. This event is a production simulation, where new ways of thinking will be presented. Bill will spend a whole day working with you on new insights. You will experience customer orientation and new production philosophies by being part of the simulation. The outcomes and experiences will be used for learning and deepening throughout the rest of the year. Do not miss this event!
Price and benefits
The Quality Circle meetings take place in Hendrik-Ido-Ambacht and can also be joined online. The price is € 2450 (ex. VAT) for the course, including the Deep Dive Event on October 10. Your colleagues can register as a second participant with a 25% discount (€ 1837 ex. VAT). For instance, when you join as production manager and quality manager. You also get an endless amount of resources with documentation, video's and tools. Also after the course.
Purpose: your professional development
With the content and format of the course, you will develop yourself into a professional manager at excellence level. You are needed to make an organisation a market leader and realise true customer orientation. The study programme supports you in your development so that you grow into the leader and coach role your management team needs for the transformation to be realised. It is about how you make the difference in an organisation and how you lead that organisation in its journey to market leader.
Prof. Dr. Bill Bellows - Quality Management
The guest lecturer in the Quality Circle programme is Professor Dr. Bill Bellows, who also attended our online event for Operational Excellence. Together with his fellow lecturer Frans Leijse, Ambassador of the Deming Management Philosophy, Bill delivers part of the programme. Bill brings quality management theory to life with engaging workshops and examples from the industry.
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Elisa Smorenburg - Consultant Quality Management
It is fascinating how Elisa analyses organisations and makes behavioural patterns directly visible. She specialises in the implementation and realisation of quality management, for which the right conditions must first be created. She identifies pitfalls and habits, after which the right steps for implementing quality management follow in quick succession. The result is quickly visible.
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Sjoerd van der Laan - Trainer in Quality Management
Learning processes run across different systems. Sjoerd is able to offer these different systems to trainees, which maximises the results from the lectures. You will experience that you as a participant are central, and you will feel that your learning process is effective. Sjoerd guides you in your personal development and the professional application of quality management in your organisation.
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Frans Leijse - Deming ambassador
Dr. W.E. Deming was one of the leading management gurus with in the USA his legacy: the Deming Institute. Frans is lector in the fundaments and management principles of Deming with specialisation in the system of profound knowledge. His career includes 23 years of employment with Applied Biosystems, EuroCetus, and AMC. He is principal and managing director of ITC Validation Consultants. Frans has a Technical College background in Mechanical Engineering, Electronics Engineering, and Computer Science.
088 33 666 66
Participants and trainers work as a team
Managers are lonely professional. There is only 1 quality manager and 1 production manager. This programme helps you solve that problem. You are no longer alone. You get support from other management professionals and experienced trainers. You will find a platform for substantive deepening and professional development. The meetings are intens, inspiring and joyful at the same time. At the end, you will have gained entirely new insights that will make your work easier in your role as coach and leader.